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Popa Luana

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“The most popular festival venue, however, was arguably the Exhibition Space/Spaţiul Expoziţional, that hosted a rich programme of exhibitions, debates, book launches, workshops and musical performances. I was particularly taken by the paintings on glass by local artist (and journalist) Luana Popa, and the electro acoustic concert Sunete sculptate/Sculpted Sounds by Tibor Cári – a rare opportunity to encounter one of the most talented theatre composers currently working in Romania.”

Written by Jozefina Komporaly | 16th Jun 2019 / The Theatre Times

“ Înainte de plecare am primit în dar două volume de poeme semnate de Matei şi de Carmen Steiciuc, volume de care zile întregi nu m-am despărţit. Ele m-au însoţit aşa cum m-a însoţit pictura pe sticlă oferită de o artistă pe care o descopeream la Suceava, Luana Popa a cărei operă seduce prin subtilul echilibru între abstracţie şi realism.”

George Banu / 29 Mai 2019 / www.cotidianul.ro